In order to reach their goal of 2023, Coinbase seems to be focusing largely on expanding their outreach and user base. They recently partnered with BitGo, a financial services company, in order to bring more institutional investors into the crypto market. Additionally, they continue to invest in web3 technologies, mainly aim at gaining access to new markets and partnering with other companies who can help promote cryptos.
The launch of Coinbase’s wallet as a service marks a significant shift in the way users connect and use wallets,moving away from separate applications. This removes the friction from using wallets and makes it easier for users to interact with dApps.
In order to support the growing demand for web3-native apps, Coinbase is planning to invest in new technologies andourses that will make it easier for users to get started with blockchain technology. Meanwhile, the company also plans to integrate more web3 capabilities into regular apps in order to make it easier for more people to use blockchain technology.
At Coinbase, they believe that their ultimate goal is to get more apps built and get more users into the ecosystem. They see this as a way of expanding the number of people who can use their product and benefit from its features. By creating a platform that is easy to use and widely accepted, they strive to make it one of the most important tools available for anyone in search of financial stability or convenience.