
“Internet Confused by Launch of Marissa Mayer’s New Photo Sharing and Event Planning Apps”

Marissa Mayer
Marissa Mayer’s startup just rolled out photo sharing and event planning apps, and the internet isn’t sure what to thinkWhen Marissa Mayer co-founded a startup six years ago in Palo Alto, Ca., expectations were sky high for the former Yahoo CEO and early Google employee. When that startup, Sunshine, revealed that its first app centered around subscription software for contact management, people wondered if something more ambitious might be around the corner. Today, after Sunshine released two equally mundane features – event organizing and photo sharing – internet commenters were decidedly mystified. I was also baffled last week, when Mayer walked me through Sunshine’s new offerings. The core thesis has always been to take the mundane and make it magical.”The team “thought about naming it Mundane AI,” she continued.