
Setapp by MacPaw Among First Companies to Embrace Apple’s Controversial DMA Policies

Setapp Mobile
The move is notable given the pushback Apple has received on its compliance with the new EU regulation so far. Though others have fought against Apple’s DMA rules, MacPaw has chosen to opt in — a one-way conversion that offers no ability, at present, to return to Apple’s existing rules. The current version of Setapp offers dozens of apps for $9.99 per month and up, depending on the platform and number of devices. While the service is being likened to an alternative app store, to be clear, it will involve a subscription for all-you-can access to its apps, which is not Apple’s App Store model. As for developers looking for additional distribution, however, another channel for reaching iOS users could be beneficial if MacPaw’s terms are agreeable.

EU Lawmakers Reach Agreement to Enhance Protections for Gig Workers

Uber Company
Some two years of talking about gig worker rights later and European Union lawmakers have finally reached a deal on the final shape of the Platform Worker Directive. The development could deliver a significant boost for millions of gig workers laboring on digital platforms without being afforded workers rights. There were also divisions between Member States over how much worker protection vs platform shielding they were prepared to commit to. Rappoteur and MEP Elisabetta Gualmini trumpeted the deal as “historic”, claiming the directive would advance workers rights for millions of gig workers across Europe. And I am really incredibly happy that we are now managing to provide protection [for gig workers].