
NSA Cyber Director States AI Aids Nation-State Hackers While Assisting US Spies in Their Pursuit

Scanning Computer Group
AI aides nation-state hackers but also helps US spies to find them, says NSA cyber directorNation state-backed hackers and criminals are using generative AI in their cyberattacks, but U.S. intelligence is also using artificial intelligence technologies to find malicious activity, according to a senior U.S. National Security Agency official. “We already see criminal and nation state elements utilizing AI. “We’re seeing intelligence operators [and] criminals on those platforms,” said Joyce. “On the flip side, though, AI, machine learning [and] deep learning is absolutely making us better at finding malicious activity,” he said. “Machine learning, AI, and big data helps us surface those activities [and] brings them to the fore because those accounts don’t behave like the normal business operators on their critical infrastructure, so that gives us an advantage,” Joyce said.