
“Breaking Barriers in AI: Emilia Gómez’s Musical Journey into the EU’s Influential Tech Sector”

Women In Ai Gomez
Gómez’s research is grounded in the computational music field, where she contributes to the understanding of the way humans describe music and the methods in which it’s modeled digitally. What I liked at the time from machine learning was its modelling capabilities and the shift from knowledge-driven to data-driven algorithm design — e.g. There’s also PHENICX, a large European Union (EU)-funded project I coordinated on the use of music; and AI to create enriched symphonic music experiences. What advice would you give to women seeking to enter the AI field? They should learn about the working principles and limitations of AI algorithms to be able to challenge them and use them in a responsible way.

How Guac, Powered by Y Combinator, Uses Machine Learning to Forecast Grocery Sales

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Poor grocery demand forecasting is responsible for more waste than you might expect. It’s not only bad for the environment — food waste is a major source of carbon emissions — but costly for grocers. Per Retail Insights, food and grocery retailers lose up to 8% of revenues through inadequate inventory availability. “Food waste and food security are issues that Jack and I care deeply about, and we were really excited about an opportunity to actually address food waste at its core,” Wang said. But Wang says that Guac is differentiated both by its dedication to transparency and its intense fine-tuning of forecasting models.