
Possible alternative titles: 1. Calmara’s Bold Claim: Detecting STIs Through Photos of Genitals 2. Debunking Calmara’s Risky Proposition: STI Detection through Genital Photos 3. The Controversial Theory of Calmara: Using Gen

Calmara Ai
So, your partner could very well have an STI, but Calmara would tell you he’s in the clear. That’s why actual STI tests use blood and urine samples to detect infection, as opposed to a visual exam. It does not involve any medical conditions or discussions within its framework, and no medical doctors are involved with the current Calmara experience. “The clear idea is to initiate a conversation regarding STI status and testing.”Calmara is part of HeHealth, which was founded in 2019. Calmara and HeHealth use the same AI, which it says is 65-90% accurate.