
Mermaid Chart secures a staggering $7.5 million investment with its Markdown-inspired diagramming tool.

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Mermaid, the open source diagramming and charting tool, has long been popular with developers for its ability to create diagrams using a Markdown-like language. They were watching ‘The Little Mermaid.’ That’s why I named that eight years ago.”Early on, Mermaid was mostly about flowcharts, but over time Sveidqvist added other diagram types — and the community quickly made it its own, too. Firestone told me that the cloud version of the open source project had 4 million users last year. That’s a market Mermaid Chart is looking to address by building easier-to-use tools for this group of users. “Mermaid Chart is expanding the community by bringing the benefits of Mermaid to all types of business users, leveraging AI as a catalyst.