
Palworld’s ‘Pokémon with Guns’ Attracts Massive Following of Enthusiastic Gamers, Despite Copyright Concerns

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The simple fact is that Palworld is what Pokémon fans have been asking for for years, or at least close enough to count. The concept of the game is easily grasped: you’re exploring a mysterious island populated by Pals, which are plainly dollar-store Pokémon. None of the parts are as good as the games they’re pilfered from, but they don’t fall apart in practice — as games with far greater budgets and aspirations frequently do. Given the its presence on Playstation and Xbox Game Pass platforms, you can expect the real number of simultaneous Palworld players is considerably higher. As Palworld’s popularity soars and the debate over the game’s inspirations intensifies, players are about to be able to take the Pokémon parallels to the next level.

“Q4 Sees Robust Growth in EV Sales, with Potential for Further Growth”

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EV sales remained strong in Q4. They could have been stronger All automakers, including Tesla, are at a crossroadsIf you’ve only been reading headlines these past few months, you’d think demand for electric vehicles has fallen off a cliff. In some countries, like Norway, where 82% of new vehicles are electric, it has already landed. That jibes with other forecasts that predict EVs will make up around 25% of the market in 2026. The demand will be there, but to make the most of it, automakers have some work to do.