
“Dusty Unveils Revolutionary Model of Its Construction-Laying Robot”

Dusty Fp2 6mb
When it launched in 2019, Dusty’s FieldPrinter added a clever new dimension to the world of construction automation. The little robot is smaller than the first gen, thus allowing it to better move around obstacles. The 23-pound robot sports a wider print head and a bevy of on-board sensors for improved navigation. Today’s news also marks the arrival of FieldPrint Platform, which is centered around BIM-to-field — that’s effectively bringing digital information into real-world construction sites. “Our new FieldPrint Platform supports the seamless flow of data from the design phase, to the field, and back to the trailer,” cofounder and CEO Tessa Lau notes.

Becoming a Projector Person: Embracing a New Way of Living

Cmc 7600
I’ve recommended plenty of their products over the years and have been tempted to check out an Anker Nebula projector for some time. Just ahead of the holidays, I contacted the company to check out a review unit, and shopped around for a decently priced projector screen. The story of how I ended up with a 100-inch projector screen in my bedroom is an entirely unexciting combination of pricing, comparison shopping and reading reviews. Released earlier this year, the Anker Nebula Capsule 3 is more or less exactly what I’ve been looking for in a projector. Factor in the projector screen and that’s another $70 in my case.