
“Asana Unveils New ‘AI Teammates’ to Enhance Collaboration with Human Employees”

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The company on Wednesday introduced a beta of what it’s calling ‘AI teammates,’ in a bid to help move work inside an organization. “We believe that the future of work is humans not just working with humans, but humans also working with AI,” Costello told TechCrunch. “The work graph enables us to tell AI not just how work happens, but how work happens in this specific instance. So when we embed AI teammates into a particular workflow, they’re given a specific job to do. “We have found that we’re able to embed AI teammates to remove a lot of administrative work and tracking work within these systems very quickly, with high degrees of success.

“Google’s Gemini Code Assist: Advancing Developer Productivity Through AI – A TechCrunch Minute Feature”

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Can AI eat the jobs of the developers who are busy building AI models? News this week that Google has a new AI-powered coding tool for developers means that competitive pressures between major tech companies to build the best service to help coders write more code, more quickly is still heating up. Both companies want to eventually build developer-helping tech that can understand a company’s codebase, allowing it to offer up more tailored suggestions and tips. Everywhere you look, developers are building tools and services to help their own professional cohort. Developers learning to code today won’t know a world in which they don’t have AI-powered coding helps.