
Elon Musk Under Fire for Capitalizing on Crisis: Study Uncovers X’s Incentives for Inciting Hatred during Israel-Gaza Conflict

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The study builds on earlier work investigating his impact on online speech by spotlighting how policy changes Musk enacted are actively rewarding hate speech posters with increased reach, engagement and even direct payouts through X’s subscriber feature. Some of the accounts pivoted to war hate posts after previously posting COVID-19-related conspiracy theory content, per the report. The CCDH found these accounts were able to boost their reach on X after posting hateful content targeting the war. But not all: The CCDH found ads being served alongside hateful posts made by all the tracked accounts. “We found ads for Oreos, the NBA, the FBI and even X itself placed near hateful posts,” it wrote.

The triumphant comeback of Paddy Cosgrave as CEO of Web Summit, following his resignation amidst the Israel/Gaza controversy.

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Paddy Cosgrave, the co-founder of the Web Summit tech conference, is returning to his role as CEO after resigning in October over controversial statements he made about the Israel/Gaza war last year on social media. “As Web Summit becomes bigger, our aim should be to make it smaller for our attendees. More opportunistically, as with Facebook, the emphasis on community is a counterweight to Web Summit’s bigger business aim: scale, in Web Summit’s case growing its conference empire by getting as many people and companies as possible paying to attend its events. Web Summit runs a number of global tech conferences, the best known and biggest of which is in Lisbon, which in recent years attracted upwards of 70,000 attendees. Scrambling in the lead-up to the Lisbon event, Web Summit quickly appointed Wikimedia CEO Catherine Maher as Cosgrave’s CEO replacement, even as Cosgrave retained an 80% ownership of the business.