
Ingrediome Claims to Have the Solution for Lab-Cultivated Protein’s Flavor Dilemma

Ingrediome Founders
One of the challenges for alternative proteins, particularly plant-based, is developing a product that mimics the taste of traditional meat. The company is making “hybrid meat, dairy and eggs” it says, by combining traditional animal proteins with plant-based ingredients. “We use our meat proteins, oils, water and spices to get to our formulation, and that allows us to create a clean-label product,” Even told TechCrunch. Our meat proteins cook in the same manner, the same temperature range, etc. Signed contractsAt two years old, Ingrediome is still pretty early, and it will be at least two more years before it can manufacturer enough product to sell to traditional meat companies.

“Analyzing Metafuels’ $8M Climate Tech Seed Pitch Deck”

Pitch Deck Teardown
There are some minor redactions, but the bulk of this slide deck is intact. In 2022, around 300 million liters of sustainable aviation fuel was produced, and that doubled this year to more than 600 million liters, per the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Let yourself nerd out about the techWhen you’re building a deep tech company, the tallest pole in the tent is always going to be the tech itself. Make it work, then make it work at small scale, then scale to production scale. In the rest of this teardown, we’ll take a look at three things Metafuels could have improved or done differently, along with its full pitch deck!