
Why Protecting Minority Business Equity Investments from Activist Groups is Imperative

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This new impediment to securing financing opportunities for BIPOC entrepreneurs is disconcerting. Confronted with these challenges, angel investors and investment groups that fund BIPOC entrepreneurs must remain committed to keeping vital early-stage capital flowing. This inherent color blindness removes a structural impediment that blocks minority investing within the conventional venture capital fund structure. Eleven percent of all campaigns on the platform Honeycomb have been run by Black founders, and SeedInvest has seen 12% of campaigns run by Black founders. Defining intentionally inclusive criteria in your fund/syndicate may also open the door to additional funding opportunities for BIPOC entrepreneurs.

“Tech Layoffs’ Adverse Effect on Minority Workers: Concerns Raised by Black Senators”

Views Of The U.s. Capitol As Obstacles Await Lawmakers During Its Three Week Stretch
Members of the Congressional Black Caucus have written to the United States’ Acting Secretary of Labor, Julie Su, expressing concerns over the disproportionate impact tech layoffs could have on Black workers, according to a letter seen by TechCrunch. More than 240,000 jobs have been eliminated this year due to layoffs in the tech industry. The worry here is that the “last in, first out” approach to tech layoffs commonly employed at companies may impact new, less senior and “non-essential” employees, who are most likely to be minorities. “We’ve seen that Black, Brown, and women tech workers have borne the brunt of layoffs while companies have enjoyed billion-dollar profits,” Missouri Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, co-chair of the CBC, told TechCrunch. The Department of Labor and Su did not immediately respond to requests for comment.