“Valuable Valley Investors Take Aim at Unconventional Target: Reducing Methane Emissions from Cow Burps”
In the fight against Methane, a key GHG, Valley investors have hit upon an unusual target: Cow burpsWhat do iconic Valley investors Zachary Bogue and Chris Sacca have in common?
And one of the bigger issues at the most recent COP meeting was a pledge to reduce methane emissions, which are growing rapidly.
And a major UN report said “urgent steps” are necessary to reduce methane if global warming is to be kept within a manageable limit.
Mootral says its current Ruminant supplement can reduce methane emissions from dairy cows by up to 38 percent on commercial farms.
CH4 Global — which is backed by the aforementiioned Zachary Bogue of DCVC — employs seaweed in cow feed to reduce their methane emissions.