
Progressive Technological Ventures: In Unwavering Pursuit of Diversity Amid Rising DEI Opposition

Black Tech Nation Ventures launched in 2021 to address the funding gap for Black founders amid a wave of venture diversity initiatives after the murder of George Floyd in 2020. Three years later, amongst growing backlash against DEI and diversity-focused investments, the firm’s mission may be more important now than when it started. The firm found initial fundraising success in 2021, and held a first close on $25 million that year, he explained. “We have seen funding to diverse founders and Black-led venture funds decline rapidly. The firm will also collaborate with Black Tech Nation, the nonprofit that is run by BTNV general partner Kelauni Jasmyn that created a digital network of Black tech professionals, when it can.

“Nation-State Breach: UnitedHealth Discovers Hack on Change Healthcare, Continues to See Pharmacy Outages”

Unitedhealth Group Change Healthcare Cyberattack
UnitedHealth says Change Healthcare hacked by nation state, as pharmacy outages drag onU.S. health insurance giant UnitedHealth Group said Thursday in a filing with government regulators that its subsidiary Change Healthcare was compromised likely by government-backed hackers. In a filing Thursday, UHG blamed the ongoing cybersecurity incident affecting Change Healthcare on suspected nation state hackers but said it had no timeframe for when its systems would be back online. UHG did not attribute the cyberattack to a specific nation or government, or cite what evidence it had to support its claim. Change Healthcare provides patient billing across the U.S. healthcare system. Change Healthcare has not yet disclosed the specific nature of its cyberattack.

PhonePe Launches Android App Store in India Featuring Amazon, Meta, and Microsoft Apps

Phonepe Indus Appstore
Microsoft, Amazon and Meta are among the top brands whose apps are available on the Indian fintech PhonePe’s Indus Appstore, an app store for the Android mobile operating system, launched Wednesday in challenge to Google’s monopoly in its largest market by users. To fight Google Play Store, PhonePe has armed Indus Appstore with a range of unique and personalized features and developer-friendly terms. Indus Appstore supports 12 regional languages (as well as English) and round the clock support service. PhonePe is making the app store available to download to consumers from its website. “Indus Appstore embodies our commitment to building a truly inclusive digital ecosystem where every Indian user feels at home.”Ivan Mehta contributed to this report.