
Meta AI curtails political replies in India’s elections

Last week, Meta started testing its AI chatbot in India across WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger. Meta confirmed that it is restricting certain election-related keywords for AI in the test phase. When you ask Meta AI about specific politicians, candidates, officeholders, and certain other terms, it will redirect you to the Election Commission’s website. But just like other AI-powered systems, Meta AI has some inconsistencies. This week, the company rolled out a new Llama-3-powered Meta AI chatbot in more than a dozen countries, including the U.S., but India was missing from the list.

Google confirms global limitations on election-related searches using Gemini

Google Gemini
TechCrunch has learned that the search giant has started to restrict queries made Gemini when they relate to elections, in any market globally where elections are taking place. The search giant confirmed to TechCrunch that it started rolling out the restrictions on Gemini to limit surfacing answers about election-related queries globally. TechCrunch found the AI tool did show answers when passing on queries with typos. The AI tool, responding to a query about whether Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was a fascist, responded that Modi had been accused of implementing policies that some had characterized as fascist. It is unclear whether Google will unblock Gemini for answering election-related queries after the elections end later this year.