
European Privacy Group Takes Stance on Meta’s Controversial ‘Consent or Pay’ Strategy

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Yet a binary choice (aka “consent or pay”) is exactly what Meta is currently forcing on users in the region. The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) has been meeting this week to discuss adopting an opinion on so-called “consent or pay”, following a request made back in February by a trio of concerned data protection authorities. A spokeswoman for the EDPB confirmed to TechCrunch that it adopted an opinion on “consent or pay” on Wednesday morning, saying it will be published later today. However the choice Meta gives EU users is a binary one: Either consent to its use of personal data for targeted advertisng or pay a monthly fee to access ad-free versions of its social networks. But on the core issue of whether Meta’s mechanism complies with the EU’s long-standing data protection framework the Board’s opinion is key.

EU Privacy Protection: Groups Urge Meta to Abandon ‘Consent or Payment’ Strategy

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Additionally, in a notable step last month, the European Union opened a formal investigation into whether Meta’s tactic breaches obligations that apply to Facebook and Instagram under the competition-focused Digital Markets Act (DMA). The Board’s opinion on “consent or pay” is expected to provide guidance on how the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) should be applied in this area. It’s worth noting the Board’s opinion will look at “consent or pay” generally, rather than specifically investigating Meta’s deployment. Nor is Meta the only service provider pushing “consent or pay” on users. “However, the current ‘Consent or Pay’ model sets in stone a coercive dynamic, leaving users without an actual choice.