
This Delivery Bot Conquers Stairs with Its Pliable Wheels

Mobinn Climb
One of the easiest shots to take at the delivery bots some of us see trundling around techy cities is that they can’t climb stairs, curbs, or any other minor obstacle that even a slug could handle. Mobinn, a new spinoff from Hyundai, has seemingly solved this using a set of flexible wheels that can take it up stairs with ease. They showed off their delivery bot at CES 2024 in Las Vegas. Stairs and curbs are the bane of many a delivery bot, and generally the solution has been to avoid them. Mobinn’s pitch deck also shows that they are working on wheelchair and other mobility options, but so far it seems the delivery bot is the first out the door.

“Introducing Xiaomi’s Revolutionary First Electric Vehicle: The Ultimate Fusion of a Smartphone and Automobile”

Xiaomi Su7
Chinese smartphone giant Xiaomi has revealed its first electric car, a sharp-looking sedan called the SU7. It’s the same pitch Faraday Future’s founder originally gave many years ago when promoting his original electric vehicle project in China, a part of his tech conglomerate at the time. There are quite literal versions of this in Apple’s CarPlay and Google’s Android Auto, which mirror a phone’s software on the in-car screen. Volkswagen tried to build up its own powerhouse in-car software team but has struggled mightily. Tesla has developed a robust in-car software experience for its vehicles, though it has resisted CarPlay and Android Auto in favor of maintaining control of its screens.