Membrions Innovative Wastewater Recycling System Optimizes Removal of Heavy Metals.

PureTerra is excited to support Membrion as they work to develop their innovative water treatment technology. By providing funding and resources, PureTerra hopes to help Membrion accelerate the development of this important technology, which has the potential to change the way we think about wastewater treatment.

Membrion’s ceramic membrane technology could be a game-changer for water purification. Not only is it more cost-effective than traditional methods, but the purified water can be reused within industrial facilities without having to truck it off-site for treatment. This could spell big savings for businesses across various industries.

Membrion’s membranes can potentially treat a wider range of wastewater than traditional desalination methods, which would be advantageous in industries that produce harshly acidic or highly toxic wastewater. These membranes could include fossil fuels, semiconductors, automotive and food and beverage production – all of which face environmental challenges from their wastewater. Additionally, the durable nature of Membrion’s membranes provides long-term stability to filtration operations and minimizes the need for replacement or modification over time.

With many parts of the West in an extreme drought, it’s no wonder that startup Weather Matters is in the process of raising a series B. The company’s mission is to help people make smarter decisions about weather and climate change, which might be especially important given all the recent storms.

PureTerra Ventures believes that this new capital will help Membrion reach its $10 million target faster, and is confident that the plant-based meat company has what it takes to make a dent in the meat market. With a focus on sustainable agriculture and animal welfare, Membrion is set to deliver an innovative product that consumers will love.

Newbloom anticipates that the company will raise funds by the end of this year, as there is a high level of interest in their product. With continued support from backers and potential investors, Newbloom is confident that the company will achieve its goal.

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Kira Kim

Kira Kim is a science journalist with a background in biology and a passion for environmental issues. She is known for her clear and concise writing, as well as her ability to bring complex scientific concepts to life for a general audience.

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