Secondary Stripe Deal: A Deal Dive Not to Miss

The investors surveyed clearly aren’t the only ones who are excited about a potential Stripe exit in 2024, either. According to secondary data tracker Caplight, there has been an absolute flurry of buyers looking to get shares in the company in recent months. On Tuesday, literally the day after New Year’s Day, a secondary sale closed that valued Stripe shares at $21.06 apiece; that values the startup at $53.65 billion, according to Caplight data. There are a few reasons why this deal is worth paying attention to. For one, Stripe’s $53 billion value marks an increase from the company’s most recent primary round last March, when Stripe was valued at $50 billion.

Venture capitalists and founders are eagerly anticipating the return of exits in the year 2024. It seems to be a shared sentiment among these stakeholders, but the specifics of when and how these exits will take place remain somewhat uncertain.

The consensus, though, is that fintech Stripe will finally make its way to the public market this year.

This is not just wishful thinking from the investors surveyed. According to Caplight, there has been a significant number of potential buyers vying for a chance to own a piece of Stripe in the past few months.

While bids can give us some insight into the interest surrounding a company, it’s ultimately the closed deals that reveal the true story. This week, a secondary sale was finalized, shedding light on what may be in store for Stripe in 2024. The sale, which took place the day after New Year’s Day, valued each share at $21.06, resulting in a valuation of $53.65 billion for the company, according to Caplight data.

When asked for comment, Stripe declined to provide any information.

There are a number of reasons why this particular deal is worth paying attention to. For one, it indicates an increase in value for Stripe since its last primary round of funding in March of last year, where the company was valued at $50 billion.

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Zara Khan

Zara Khan is a seasoned investigative journalist with a focus on social justice issues. She has won numerous awards for her groundbreaking reporting and has a reputation for fearlessly exposing wrongdoing.

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