“Google Issues Warning to 10 Indian Companies for Avoiding Play Store Fees, Threatens App Removal”

Google said on Friday it will start removing apps from its Play Store in India if developers fail to comply with its payment policy, taking a definitive stand weeks after the top Indian court granted the Android-maker with relief. Without naming them, Google said 10 companies in India, including “many well-established ones,” have not paid Google Play’s fee despite being provided with three years to prepare. “After giving these developers more than three years to prepare, including three weeks after the Supreme Court’s order, we are taking necessary steps to ensure our policies are applied consistently across the ecosystem, as we do for any form of policy violation globally,” the company wrote in a blog post. “Enforcement of our policy, when necessary, can include removal of non-compliant apps from Google Play.”This is a developing story. More to come.

Google announced on Friday that it will begin removing apps from its Play Store in India if developers do not adhere to its payment policy. This decisive action comes after the top Indian court granted the Android-maker relief, giving them the power to implement this policy. Without specifically naming them, Google mentioned that ten companies in India, including “many well-established ones,” have failed to pay the required fee for using Google Play. Despite being provided with three years to comply, these developers have failed to meet the necessary requirements.

“After giving these developers more than three years to prepare, including three weeks after the Supreme Court’s order, we are taking necessary steps to ensure our policies are applied consistently across the ecosystem, as we do for any form of policy violation globally.”

The tech giant stated in a blog post that they are committed to enforcing their policies in a consistent manner, including taking action against non-compliant apps. This could potentially mean removing them from the Play Store entirely.

This story is still developing, and there is more to come. Stay tuned for further updates.

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Dylan Williams

Dylan Williams is a multimedia storyteller with a background in video production and graphic design. He has a knack for finding and sharing unique and visually striking stories from around the world.

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