Revolutionize Your Ride: Zaver Secures $30 Million to Bring Buy-Now-Pay-Later Option to Porsche Enthusiasts

Zaver now has $30 million to make it a realityWe last checked in on Zaver, a Swedish B2C Buy-Now-Pay-Later (BNPL) provider in Europe, when it raised a $5 million funding round in 2021. The company has now closed a $10 million extension to its Series A funding round, bringing its total Series A to $20 million. Total investment to date stands at $30 million. In Europe, Zaver competes on BNPL with Klarna, PayPal, and incumbents such as Santander and BNP Paribas. However, Zaver’s schtick is it claims it can assess the risk on BNPL cart sizes of up to €200,000 in real time due to its risk assessment algorithms.

Apple’s New Stance: Claiming 30% of Teacher Donations for Insight Timer Meditation App

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The CEO of meditation app Insight Timer, Christopher Plowman, is frustrated. That’s what happened with Insight Timer, a popular meditation app with around 25 million installs and 3 million monthly active users. Because Insight Timer doesn’t take a cut of users’ donations to favorite teachers, those donations shouldn’t be subject to Apple’s commission — or so Plowman believed. Insight Timer implemented the feature using Stripe as the payment provider on the backend, as the rule permits. During the time the commission-free donations feature was live, Insight Timer’s users donated roughly $100,000 per month to the app’s teachers, Plowman says.

30 Web3 Entrepreneurs Share Their Optimism for 2024

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The crypto winter may or may not thaw, but not everyone is going into the new year without hope: A majority of founders are optimistic about the opportunities for crypto startups in 2024, per a new survey shared exclusively with TechCrunch+. The CoinFund Founder Forecast survey gathered responses from 30 of CoinFund’s web3 portfolio companies across the pre-seed, seed and Series A stages. The survey ran from November 7 to November 17, when cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum were starting to show signs of price recovery. While some crypto startups may be going out of business, Alex Felix, managing partner and chief investment officer at CoinFund, said these 30 companies have sufficient runway and are thinking about the new year. According to the survey, the top areas primed for growth in the coming year include AI integrated with web3, zero-knowledge technology, decentralized finance, consumer apps, gaming, layer-2 blockchains and crypto wallets.