30 Web3 Entrepreneurs Share Their Optimism for 2024

The crypto winter may or may not thaw, but not everyone is going into the new year without hope: A majority of founders are optimistic about the opportunities for crypto startups in 2024, per a new survey shared exclusively with TechCrunch+. The CoinFund Founder Forecast survey gathered responses from 30 of CoinFund’s web3 portfolio companies across the pre-seed, seed and Series A stages. The survey ran from November 7 to November 17, when cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum were starting to show signs of price recovery. While some crypto startups may be going out of business, Alex Felix, managing partner and chief investment officer at CoinFund, said these 30 companies have sufficient runway and are thinking about the new year. According to the survey, the top areas primed for growth in the coming year include AI integrated with web3, zero-knowledge technology, decentralized finance, consumer apps, gaming, layer-2 blockchains and crypto wallets.

The future of the crypto industry remains uncertain, with the current market conditions still in a state of flux. However, amidst the instability, there is still hope for many founders as they enter the new year. A recent survey conducted by CoinFund among 30 of their web3 portfolio companies has revealed an optimistic outlook for the potential of crypto startups in 2024. The survey, exclusively shared with TechCrunch+, was conducted from November 7 to November 17, during a period where major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum were starting to recover in price.

Alex Felix, managing partner and chief investment officer at CoinFund, assured that while some crypto companies may be facing challenges, the 30 companies surveyed have enough runway and are actively planning for the future. “What sets this bear market apart is the determination to persevere and not let external factors hinder progress,” Felix stated. He also noted that many of the issues seen during the market downturn were a result of human errors and poor governance, which has reignited the drive to innovate and build within the industry.

The survey identified several key areas that are expected to see growth in the coming year within the crypto space. These include artificial intelligence integrated with web3, zero-knowledge technology, decentralized finance, consumer apps, gaming, layer-2 blockchains, and crypto wallets.

“The one thing that was so different about this bear market is the resolve to keep going and not let price action or media cloud the vision.”

The survey results also highlighted the determination and resilience of the crypto community, with a majority of founders maintaining a positive outlook despite the challenges faced. This sentiment of hope and perseverance is a testament to the potential of the industry and the determination to drive innovation forward.

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Kira Kim

Kira Kim is a science journalist with a background in biology and a passion for environmental issues. She is known for her clear and concise writing, as well as her ability to bring complex scientific concepts to life for a general audience.

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