
“Affordable Navigation Alternative: Tern AI’s Solution for Decreasing GPS Dependency”

“We’ve got an increased threat from foreign adversaries who have shown capabilities to jam, to destroy, to spoof the signals of GPS, which is scary,” Shaun Moore, CEO and co-founder of Tern AI, a startup that wants to provide an alternative to GPS, told TechCrunch. The current system works by having GPS receivers in cars or phones pick up signals from satellites orbiting the earth. The GPS receivers then use the time it took for each signal to travel to calculate the distance to each satellite. “GPS technology has not meaningfully changed in 50 years, and what we’re seeing put forth as solutions to resolve or mitigate risk are just marginal improvements. “When we first met Tern AI, what stood out the most was how differentiated and scalable their approach was to solving a critical problem in national security,” said Stephen DiBartolomeo, principal at Scout Ventures.

a16z-Funded Twitter Rival “Post News” Will Be Ceasing Operations

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Post News, a microblogging site that emerged in the days after Elon Musk’s Twitter acquisition, is shutting down just a year and a half after launching in beta. Founder Noam Bardin, previously CEO of Waze, broke the news in a post on Friday. “At the end of the day, our service is not growing fast enough to become a real business or a significant platform,” Bardin said. Instead of subscribing to various different publications, Post users could purchase individual articles from certain partner outlets. But perhaps it was too soon to try to capture this nascent movement in a social platform.

“Experience an Exclusive App Store in the EU with The AltStore’s Patreon-Powered Selection”

As a result, we’re beginning to see what an app store ecosystem could look like when other developers are allowed to compete with the default iPhone App Store. One notable case in point is the AltStore, an alternative app store that’s preparing to take advantage of the DMA to launch an updated version of its app marketplace in the EU, with plans to support Patreon-backed apps. To comply with the new European law, Apple is introducing APIs and frameworks that allow developers to distribute apps independently of the App Store. “It all works virtually the same as the App Store now,” Testut says. In the screenshots he shared, the AltStore looks much like a modern-day app store, with categories like Games, Lifestyle and Utilities, as well as buttons to download its free apps, as on Apple’s App Store.

“Ex-Grindr Executive Teams Up with Married Duo to Unveil Rails: The $6.2M Decentralized FTX Alternative”

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Rails, a decentralized crypto exchange, has raised $6.2 million in attempts to fill the void FTX left behind after crashing in 2022, the startup’s co-founder and CEO Satraj Bambra exclusively told TechCrunch. The crypto community is watching Rails because it’s attempting to straddle the divide in crypto exchanges by building out both centralized and decentralized underlying technology. The capital is earmarked for engineering team hiring and expanding its licensing and regulatory strategy to make the exchange “fully compliant,” Bambra said. That centralized computing was something Rails saw with FTX as “being really, really good,” but when it came to decentralized exchanges like dYdX that exist today it wasn’t as solid, Bambra thinks. But being a hybrid of decentralized and centralized is better than being fully one side or another, he added.

“Boosting Bluesky: Developer Projects Powered by Funding”

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Would-be Twitter/X rival Bluesky is looking to more directly invest in its developer community in order to foster growth. The company last week announced “AT Protocol Grants,” a new program that will dole out small grants to developers building on its new social networking protocol. Initially, Bluesky said it would release $10,000 in grants of $500 to $2,000 per project apiece, based on factors like cost, usage, and more. The concept of decentralized social networking has been around longer than Bluesky, however, with many projects, including Mastodon, Misskey, Pixelfed, and others, backed by the ActivityPub protocol. Bluesky says the projects receiving the grants can be useful to either developers or end users and will be paid out via public GitHub Sponsorships.

Apple Makes Modifications to DMA Regulations Under External Pressure, But Maintains Core Technology Fee Structure

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However, Apple is today announcing a handful of smaller concessions driven by feedback from its app developer community, it says. In addition, the move to opt into the DMA terms is no longer a one-way switch. However, these changes don’t address the major complaints with Apple’s DMA rules, which involve reducing commissions on App Store purchases in favor of other new fees. Before, Apple was requiring that corporations sign up each membership it controls if it chose to opt into the DMA rules. It also says apps that don’t comply with its guidelines will be blocked from installation — including via alternative app marketplaces.

Ubicloud’s Quest: Creating an Open-Source Rivalry to AWS

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Co-founders Ozgun Erdogan and Umur Cubukcu previously built Citus Data, where they also met Daniel Farina, who previously was instrumental in building Heroku PostgreSQL. Citus Data wouldn’t have been possible without,” Cubukcu said. “Fifteen years ago, all those service [that are on the Ubicloud roadmap] did not have open-source data plane components. These days, for the core services, all of those now have good open-source alternatives, barring maybe one or two,” he said. The company currently has 10 employees, split between San Francisco, Amsterdam (where the Citus Data team built a small engineering team during the team’s Microsoft days) and Istanbul.

“Unlock the Power of Community on Mastodon with Newsmast’s Curated Experience”

Newsmast also credits the Mastodon app and Mozilla-backed startup Mammoth for the inspiration around Communities. In addition, Newsmast offers a system where anyone can build their own Mastodon server with a selection of communities they’ve curated. Users could then connect to that server in place of the Newsmast server within the Newsmast app. Later this week, Newsmast will also open up its API to developers, which means your preferred Mastodon app could integrate with Newsmast’s Communities, too, for a more seamless experience. (In fact, some Mastodon users were confused why Newsmast’s accounts were following them and boosting their content, without understanding the larger purpose.)

PhonePe’s Ambitious Goal: Establishing Itself as a Leading Google Play Replacement in India, Despite Impending Obstacles

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PhonePe aims to be a top Google Play alternative in India — but it has a challenging road aheadWalmart-backed PhonePe is set to launch its Android app store this week with zero commission for in-app purchases for developers. Later that month, a bunch of Indian startups banded together to form a coalition and explore an alternative app store. Over the years, other startup executives have also complained about Play Store’s 30% fee and have pushed for a “Made in India” app store. In 2021, Google dropped its commission from 30% to 15% for the first $1 million a developer earned from the Play Store each year. If you are a developer publishing your app on alternative app stores, I’d love to hear from you on