
“Empower Your Business with Data Conversations on Numbers Station”

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Numbers Station, a startup that is using large language models (LLMs) to power its data analytics platform, is launching its first cloud-based product today: the aptly named Numbers Station Cloud, which is now in early access. With this service, virtually any user in an enterprise can analyze their internal data using Numbers Station’s chat interface. As Numbers Station co-founder and CEO Chris Aberger told me, he’s somewhat tired of talking about how the service allows users to “chat with their data,” because there is so much noise around that. Numbers Stations’ research shows that its approach results in significantly improved precision compared to more traditional text-to-SQL pipelines. “Numbers Station is at the cutting edge of enterprise AI for structured data,” said Sharad Rastogi, the CEO of Work Dynamics Technology from Jones Lang LaSalle.

Construction of small business B2B commerce platform by Catalog

Hexa 2023 C Julien Mouffron Gardner 129
When you think about commerce platforms, chances are the first names that come to mind are big names like Adobe Commerce or Salesforce Commerce Cloud. That’s why a French startup called Catalog wants to build a software-as-a-service product that seamlessly manages B2B sales across several sales channels. But these tools don’t necessarily work well for B2B companies. This way, the company hopes it can handle the majority of B2B orders for companies that have decided to use Catalog. By focusing on small and medium businesses, Catalog could start offering a wide range of services that are specifically tailored for these small manufacturing and commerce companies.