
Unlocking the Full Potential of Your CPU: Flow’s Revolutionary Chip and the Magic of Elbow Grease

Flow Computing Header
Flow is a spinout of VTT, a Finland state-backed research organization that’s a bit like a national lab. You can’t just magically squeeze extra performance out of CPUs across architectures and code bases. But Flow has been working on something that has been theoretically possible — it’s just that no one has been able to pull it off. What Flow claims to have done is remove this limitation, turning the CPU from a one-lane street into a multi-lane highway. The chef still only has two hands, but now the chef can work ten times as fast.

“Revolutionizing Commercial Kitchens: Chef Robotics Secures $14.75 Million in Funding”

Chef Robotics
In the past several years, the kitchen has increasingly become a focal point for the world of automation. Others, including Zume Robotics, have been less successful – the pizza robot firm shut its doors last year after attempting a major pivot into Earth-conscious food packaging. The new cash infusion follows a January 2021 raise of $7.7 million, bringing the total funding up to $22.5 million. MaC Venture Capital, MFV Partners, Interwoven Ventures and Alumni Ventures joined existing backers, Construct Capital, Kleiner Perkins, Promus Ventures and Red and Blue Ventures. Chef isn’t revealing specific sales figures, only saying that it has “robots at food companies in five cities around the US and Canada” including “Fortune 500 food companies.” Bhageria also tells TechCrunch that it has quadrupled “recurring revenue from 2022 to 2023,” though, again, nothing more specific than that.