
“Unveiling Secrets to Product-Market Harmony: A TechCrunch Early Stage 2024 Presentation by Sequoia’s Jess Lee”

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How strongly a technology good or service resonates with potential customers is often called “product-market fit,” or PMF. Jess Lee is coming to TechCrunch Early Stage in Boston this year to help founders looking to reach, or refine, their current PMF guide their upstart tech companies in the right direction. Early Stage is shaping up to be possibly our best-ever shindig for early-stage founders, with NFX’s James Currier, Underscore’s Lily Lyman, and of course Lee herself coming ’round to talk shop. As with all Early Stage events, audience Q&A will be a critical component of every session, so bring your notebook, several pens, and I’ll see you on April 25! Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at TechCrunch Early Stage 2024?