
“Ex-Twitter Chief Executive Files Lawsuit Against Elon Musk”

Elon Owns Twitter
Another day, another lawsuit involving Elon Musk. Four former Twitter executives, including ex-CEO Parag Agrawal, sued Musk on Monday, alleging that they’re owed over $128 million in severance payments. According to the lawsuit, Musk has a “special ire” toward these former executives, who worked hard to hold Musk to his $44 billion commitment when he tried to back out. Musk has faced several lawsuits from former Twitter employees who are also waiting for a check. According to the lawsuit, Musk claimed that these executives committed “gross negligence” and “willful misconduct” in their termination letters, but never was able to show evidence of his allegations.

“Enhanced Features: Lists, Block Quotes, and Inline Code Now Supported on WhatsApp”

Whatsapp Logo
WhatsApp said today it is rolling out a number of new formatting options on the app, including bulleted lists, numbered lists, block quotes, and inline code. Numbered lists: You can create a numbered list by typing a digit followed by a period and a space. “ Block quotes: To insert block quotes to highlight certain text by typing “>” and then a space. WhatsApp already has basic text formatting options such as Bold, Italic, Strikethrough, and Monospace. It is possible that these formatting options would also help the AI-powered bots to show responses neatly.