
Safety Operators and In-Car Recordings: Mandatory Regulations for Autonomous Vehicles in China

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The Chinese Ministry of Transport recently unveiled a set of trial guidelines for autonomous vehicle services like robotaxis, self-driving trucks and robobuses. The rules also specify the requirements for safety operators at various degrees of automation. Autonomous cargo trucks should “in principle” be equipped with in-car safety operators. Robotaxis with advanced automation should have one in-car safety operator. They should also establish an agreement with the vehicle manufacturers and safety operators on the respective party’s scope of responsibilities.

Safety Operators and In-Car Recordings: China’s Autonomous Vehicle Regulation

Gettyimages 1340913581
The Chinese Ministry of Transport recently unveiled a set of trial guidelines for autonomous vehicle services like robotaxis, self-driving trucks and robobuses. The rules also specify the requirements for safety operators at various degrees of automation. Autonomous cargo trucks should “in principle” be equipped with in-car safety operators. Robotaxis with advanced automation should have one in-car safety operator. They should also have an agreement with the vehicle manufacturers and safety operators on the respective party’s scope of responsibilities.