
Transforming the Commercial EV Leasing Industry: Pelikan Mobility’s Revolutionary Software Solution

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Chances are you may have noticed that many commercial vehicles are now electric vehicles — think about delivery vans, telecom minivans, utility maintenance trucks, etc. That’s why Pelikan Mobility has been building a platform and a leasing solution that address this challenge caused by the switch to EVs for commercial fleets. Many companies lease their commercial vehicles and Pelikan Mobility believes that pricing is broken for commercial EVs. Leasing contracts — even for commercial vehicles, even for electric vehicles — end far too quickly. It will also have to raise a debt fund for that new business as Pelikan Mobility plans to address large customers.

New Startup Raises Seed Funding for ‘SlackPlus’ Solution, Combining Messaging, Location Services, and Payment Capabilities for Humanitarian and Military Needs

Labrys Desktop
Labrys is perhaps best described as Slack-meets-location-meets-payments for both military and humanitarian scenarios. From 2015 onwards, when I founded the Techfugees non-profit, we found that both refugees and humanitarian workers almost always used WhatsApp to coordinate a response. The Labrys platform, Axiom C2 and Axiom Communicator, allows for KYC/E verification, encrypted communications, task management, where individual users can be geo-located. Meanwhile, Premise Data, which has raised $146 million, has a software platform for humanitarian organizations, and provides analytics about assets on the ground. Plus, ‘dual use’ products that coordinate either civilian or military teams, is a growing market.