
New Startup Raises Seed Funding for ‘SlackPlus’ Solution, Combining Messaging, Location Services, and Payment Capabilities for Humanitarian and Military Needs

Labrys Desktop
Labrys is perhaps best described as Slack-meets-location-meets-payments for both military and humanitarian scenarios. From 2015 onwards, when I founded the Techfugees non-profit, we found that both refugees and humanitarian workers almost always used WhatsApp to coordinate a response. The Labrys platform, Axiom C2 and Axiom Communicator, allows for KYC/E verification, encrypted communications, task management, where individual users can be geo-located. Meanwhile, Premise Data, which has raised $146 million, has a software platform for humanitarian organizations, and provides analytics about assets on the ground. Plus, ‘dual use’ products that coordinate either civilian or military teams, is a growing market.