
Check out Apple’s updated right to repair stance in light of their new iPhone policy

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Apple’s stance on the right to repair has now become more accommodative, with the company now supporting used parts for iPhone 15 repairs that can include the camera, display, and battery. While Apple’s move is welcome to many, it does answer a series of questions: If your iPhone breaks, should you have the right to fix it? If you want to fix your iPhone, should you be able to do that yourself, or be forced to go to the manufacturer? And if you are going to fix your iPhone yourself — or pay a third-party to help — should you be able to use whatever parts will work? Apple pushed back vocally against criticism of parts pairing, and has recently backed laws in several states that enshrine consumer repair options.

Indian Government Now Requires Approval for AI Model Launches

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India has waded into global AI debate by issuing an advisory that requires tech firms to get government permission before launching new models. India’s Ministry of Electronics and IT issued the advisory to firms on Friday. It seeks compliance with “immediate effect” and asks tech firms to submit “Action Taken-cum-Status Report” to the ministry within 15 days. The new advisory, which also asks tech firms to “appropriately” label the “possible and inherent fallibility or unreliability” of the output their AI models generate, marks a reversal from India’s previous hands-off approach to AI regulation. Less than a year ago, the ministry had declined to regulate AI growth, instead identifying the sector as vital to India’s strategic interests.