
SmartNews battles retaining users while Rivals Twitter/X Surge

Some of the most important channels for news traffic — Google Search, social platforms like Facebook — changed how they focus on and surface news links, and that’s had an overall hit on traffic and ad sales. And consumer tastes have changed, too, and it appears that the app is also struggling to attract and retain users. Given the decline in downloads, Apptopia said a figure of 10 million active users today would now be “a stretch.”Another firm, Sensor Tower, added more insight, noting that SmartNews had, on average, roughly 1.7 million worldwide daily active users between Q1 2023 and Q3 2023. Sensor Tower’s estimates indicate the SmartNews app has roughly 5 million worldwide monthly active users from Q1–Q3 2023, down an average of 30% year-over-year, per quarter, it said. Sensor Tower also suggested that lapsed product iterations and feature launches likely contributed to falling consumer interest and interaction with the SmartNews app.

“Revving Up for CES 2024: Superpedestrian’s E-Scooters on the Auction Block, Fisker Faces Sales Struggle”

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CES 2024 or bust, Superpedestrian e-scooters hit the auction block and Fisker struggles to meet sales goalsThe Station is a weekly newsletter dedicated to all things transportation. I appreciated a bit of rest and recovery, just in time for CES 2024. The Big Three U.S. automakers (Ford, GM and Stellantis) won’t have big splashy displays and announcements as in past years. However, there will be plenty of automotive, and more broadly, transportation companies and startups in attendance. Shell Ventures, InMotion Ventures, Porsche Ventures, and Revo Capital also participated.