
“OpenAI Startup Fund Reimagined: Sam Altman Relinquishes Command in Unconventional Corporate Venture Restructuring”

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OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has transferred formal control of the eponymously firm’s named corporate venture fund to Ian Cathaway, OpenAI confirmed to TechCrunch. The Open AI Startup Fund, launched in 2021, was initially set up with Altman as its named controller. Cathaway joined OpenAI in 2021 and played a key role managing the Startup Fund, leading investments in Ambience Healthcare, Cursor, Harvey, and Speak. Last year, the fund had $175 million in commitments, and now holds $325 million in gross net asset value, according to an SEC filing. The Startup Fund has backed at least 16 other startups, according to PitchBook data.

“Valuable Valley Investors Take Aim at Unconventional Target: Reducing Methane Emissions from Cow Burps”

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In the fight against Methane, a key GHG, Valley investors have hit upon an unusual target: Cow burpsWhat do iconic Valley investors Zachary Bogue and Chris Sacca have in common? And one of the bigger issues at the most recent COP meeting was a pledge to reduce methane emissions, which are growing rapidly. And a major UN report said “urgent steps” are necessary to reduce methane if global warming is to be kept within a manageable limit. Mootral says its current Ruminant supplement can reduce methane emissions from dairy cows by up to 38 percent on commercial farms. CH4 Global — which is backed by the aforementiioned Zachary Bogue of DCVC — employs seaweed in cow feed to reduce their methane emissions.