Canada Working to Become a Hub for Commercial Space Launches

Government officials in Canada are eager to get involved in the commercial space launch business, and their intention to support launches in the near future is a sign of this increasing interest. With its strong aerospace industry and dedication to innovation, Canada could soon become a major player in the space industry.

The new Canadian space launch regulations are based largely on existing Transport Canada guidelines, with the intent being to streamline the regulatory process and allow for a more orderly commercial space launch industry. Transport Canada is expected to work with other relevant federal agencies and regulators over the course of three years in order to create a framework specific to modern space launches within Canada.

Canada sees itself as a leader in the commercial space industry, and it is positioning itself to capitalize on the booming market. Transport Canada has reported that aerospace commercial activity contributed more than $22 billion to in GDP to the country’s economy in 2020. The sector is heating up, and Canada believes that its geographically and strategically well-positioned to take advantage.

Adding another potential North American launch service provider could help cement Canada’s place as a leader in space technology and open up new opportunities for the country’s budding startups. While homegrown companies like SpaceRyde are experimenting with small payload launch, opening up commercial activities more broadly could bring in existing commercial launch entities, including SpaceX, Rocket Lab, and the other companies looking to join their ranks. This would give smaller businesses an additional option for sending payloads into space and support Canada’s ambition to become a global player in the space industry.

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Ava Patel

Ava Patel is a cultural critic and commentator with a focus on literature and the arts. She is known for her thought-provoking essays and reviews, and has a talent for bringing new and diverse voices to the forefront of the cultural conversation.

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