its Polish Your Pitch: Practice with Mayfield & Cubeits on TechCrunch Live

If you want to pitch your tech startup, this is the event for you. This week’s TechGround Live will have four minutes of feedback from two experienced entrepreneurs in the industry. Learn from their mistakes and perfect your pitch for next time!

“As a startup investor, you want to be able to see the big picture and understand the trajectory of your investment. With Cube, we’ve built a toolkit that makes understanding financials a breeze.”

cube aims to make understanding financials easy for startup entrepreneurs by providing them with customizable tools and resources. By making it easier for founders to track their finances and management, Cube is helping them stay afloat during turbulent times.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, since the best way to give feedback depends on the individual guest’s preferences and background. However, in general, guests will appreciate a well-organized pitch that is informed by facts rather than opinion. Furthermore, a founder who speaks with authority about their company’s product or service will be more persuasive than one who appears frosh and unsure of themselves. Finally, it can be helpful for startup founders to highlight any areas in which they believe their company is unique/better than its competitors; this can help guests form an informed opinion sooner rather than later.

L’s mission for its first 2023 is twofold: to help founders build better venture-backed businesses, and to temper the expectations of investors. The startups of 2021 were in their heady days, with a new wave of investment money flowing into the ecosystem. Now in early 2023, things are different. Sales cycles have lengthened and experts say that it’s harder to fundraise than it was earlier this decade. L’s primary focus for the year lies in helping founders navigate these challenges while still providing the necessary resources needed to succeed.

Here’s how to participate in Pitch Practice:

  • Register and join the show on Hopin starting at 2:30 p.m. EDT/11:30 p.m. PDT. The first interview starts at 3:00/12:00.
  • Apply to present your company using this form.
  • After the 30-minute chat with Rajeev and Christina, selected founders will have 2 minutes to pitch, and receive 4 minutes of feedback.
  • You do not need a pitch deck to participate.

Every day, startups bring new and innovative ideas to market. Whether you’re working on your first idea or Accounting for Small Business, there are a few things you need in order to communicate your vision effectively. Here are three tips for crafting a well-rehearsed pitch: 1) know your startup’s key differentiators; 2) focus

Next week’s show is sure to be interesting due to the lack of a selection for today. Next week’s show will focus on technology and its effects on society.

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Dylan Williams

Dylan Williams is a multimedia storyteller with a background in video production and graphic design. He has a knack for finding and sharing unique and visually striking stories from around the world.

Articles: 874

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