Max Q: Prepping for the Unexpected

Hello and welcome back to Max Q! I hope that you are enjoying your stay, and that everything is going according to plan. Today, I wanted to talk about one

The best way to relax after a long day is by taking a hot bath. Not only is the bath soothing,

  • ispace’s lunar lander presumed lost
  • Update on Ursa Major
  • News from Hydrosat and more

ispace loses contact with lunar lander seconds before touchdown

Japanese company ispace has announced that its Hakuto-R lander lost communication with Earth just moments before it was supposed to touch down on the lunar surface. The loss of contact is a major blow for what the company hoped would be the first fully private lander to reach the moon. If Hakuto-R can’t be recovered, it will likely mean that Japan’s ambitious space program will fall considerably short of its goals.

This announcement comes as quite a shock to many space enthusiasts, as it is highly uncommon for an organization like takeshi Hakamada’s space exploration company, izapace, to have such a spectacular failure less than three weeks after landing on the moon. The cause of this seemingly unforseen failure is unknown at this time however it has raised fears amongst some that perhaps we have been premature in prematurely proclaiming our dominion over the moon.

Robotics engineers are working to assess the damage caused by the rupture in an ispace engine, and provide updates on their findings as soon as possible. Ispace officials say that they will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates once it is clear what needs to be done in order to fix or replace the engine.

Hakamada is uncertain about the viability of the lander and its ability to send back data; however, he does not rule out that it could be intact on the surface. If this proves to be true, it will be a relief for researchers as they have been awaiting information regarding the spacecraft’s status for some time now. However, given that there is currently no confirmation of this fact, further investigation into this matter is necessary in order for any judgements to be made.

ispace hakuto-r landing livestream

On Tuesday, January 12, 2019, at 02:23 UTC, the first-ever human spaceflight by Japanese company Ispace Hakuto-R finished successfully after a journey of roughly circa two months and five days. The launch was originally scheduled for December 16th

Ursa Major’s deal with Astra and new tranche of funding

The story of Ursa Major is one of determination and innovation. Starting out as just a small engine maker, the company has worked tirelessly to build some of the world’s most powerful engines. And with Astra’s new Rocket 4 launch vehicle using Ursa Major’s Hadley engine, the company is poised for even greater success in the years to come.

Many companies in the aerospace industry are looking for ways to stay ahead of the curve, and Vertical Integration is a popular way to do that. At Xcor Aerospace, this philosophy is central to their operations. For example, they design and build their own engines, which allows them to constantly improve them and provide better technology to their clients. This approach has led Xcor Aerospace to be one of the most innovative firms in the aviation sector.

Ursa is a major player in the small launch market, providing both public and private customers with access to its technologically advanced vehicles. The company’s recent conquests include an engine delivery contract with the U.S. Air Force, as well as a public launch service for small companies such as Phantom Space and Stratolaunch. Ursa’s success demonstrates the importance of technological innovation and strong customer relationships in today’s launch industry.

Ursa Astra Hadley

The Hadley engine is a powerful engine used by many companies across the galaxy. It’s reliable and easy to use, which makes it a popular choice for vehicle operations managers.

More news from TG+ and beyond

  • Astra will provide five spacecraft propulsion kits to startup Apex Space’s satellite bus platform. (Astra)
  • Astrobotic selected SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy to launch its Griffin lunar lander to the moon in the fourth quarter of this year. (Astrobotic)
  • Astroscale secured a loan agreement and opened a new credit line with two separate Japanese banks, each for approximately $22 million. (Astroscale)
  • Hydrosat closed on $20 million in new funding to scale its operations, including putting its first two thermal infrared satellites into orbit. (TechGround)
  • NASA and its partners confirmed they would support operations on the International Space Station through 2030, and Russia agreed to support operations through 2028. Long live ISS! (NASA)
  • Quantum Space is accelerating the timeline for launching its Ranger orbital transfer vehicle in response to growing customer demand. (Space News)
  • SpaceX’s Starship orbital flight test scattered debris over hundreds of acres and coated a nearby town in dust. (Bloomberg)
  • The U.S. Space Force agreed to lease Space Launch Complex 6 to SpaceX for Falcon launches. (USSF)

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Ava Patel

Ava Patel is a cultural critic and commentator with a focus on literature and the arts. She is known for her thought-provoking essays and reviews, and has a talent for bringing new and diverse voices to the forefront of the cultural conversation.

Articles: 888

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