Spicing Up Automatic Medicine Dispensers with My Memo Technology

Every few years, a new startup takes a stab at automatic pill dispensers to help with drug adherence and to prevent people from accidentally dosing more than they should. Makes sense: For many of us, as we get older, more and more medicines join the lineup that keeps us ticking along. Unfortunately, memories get fuzzy, and forgetting to take — or doubling up — medicines can have disastrous consequences. The company takes a fresh look at the market, with a good-looking device to keep its users’ medicine intake on track. My Memo is a closed box that makes the medicines inside inaccessible — helpful to prevent casual theft and child safety, for example.

Every few years, a novel company emerges with the promise of automatic pill dispensers to enhance drug adherence and prevent accidental overdose. As we age, our medication regimens often become more complex, making it difficult to remember to take all the necessary pills at the right time. This can result in disastrous consequences. Italian startup My Memo, introduced to TechCrunch at CES 2024, offers a fresh perspective on this market with their sleek and functional device designed to keep users on track with their medications.

“We are medical doctors and during our experience, we’ve noticed that 75% of chronic patients are on at least four different medications. We wanted to create the smallest possible automatic pill dispenser to help with this issue,” says Dr. Roee Dvir, CEO and founder of RGF Diagnostics, the company behind Memo. “Our product is a medical device that doesn’t look like one.”

Dr. Dvir makes a valid point – although there are other automatic pill dispensers on the market, the ones that are most well-known (such as Hero, e-Pill station, and Medready) have a clinical appearance that may not be appealing to users.

My Memo is a compact box that securely stores medications, preventing access by unauthorized individuals and ensuring child safety.

“We’ve also developed a mobile app that serves as a clinical diary for caregivers, medical professionals, and patients,” Dr. Dvir explains. “Users can receive notifications and alarms in real-time, helping them manage all their medications. This includes ones that can be loaded into the device, as well as liquids, inhalers, or injections.”

The product takes a collaborative approach to medication adherence, empowering elderly and sick individuals to manage their medications independently, while also allowing caregivers and medical professionals to monitor usage remotely.

“The app provides real-time information from the device. If a patient misses a dose, caregivers are alerted and can check in to find out why,” says Dr. Dvir. “The device also includes various sensors, such as temperature, humidity, GPS, and Bluetooth, and features a simple yet retro design. The integrated clock also displays alerts for added convenience.”

The product is currently available in Europe, and the company is seeking FDA approval to begin selling in the U.S. Priced reasonably at a one-time fee of $99 and a monthly subscription fee of $29, the device supports up to four medications. Users with more than four medications can add additional devices, increasing support in increments of four, for a total maximum of 12 different medications.

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Zara Khan

Zara Khan is a seasoned investigative journalist with a focus on social justice issues. She has won numerous awards for her groundbreaking reporting and has a reputation for fearlessly exposing wrongdoing.

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