Creating the Carbon Project Developer’s Operating System: The BlueLayer Perspective

Meet BlueLayer, a new European startup that is building a software platform specifically designed for carbon project developers. This system of carbon offsetting with carbon project developers is sometimes also called beyond value chain mitigation. BlueLayer acts as the software backend for carbon project developers. BlueLayer aims to focus exclusively on project developers. You might think that there is a limited pool of potential clients, but BlueLayer has already held talks with over 200 carbon project developers.

Introducing BlueLayer, the innovative startup revolutionizing the carbon project developer landscape in Europe. With a dedicated software platform catered specifically towards carbon projects, BlueLayer is poised to transform the way companies manage their carbon credits on a larger scale.

While decarbonization efforts remain the primary solution for reducing carbon emissions, carbon credits will play a significant role in complementing these efforts in the future.

“We think that about 70 to 80% of emissions today can be reduced by actions directly within industrial and general goods supply chains. But there are things that we’re going to have to do that are not within the supply chain of companies,”

co-founder and COO Vivian Bertseka shared with me.

This is where carbon credits come into play, often referred to as beyond value chain mitigation. BlueLayer is solely focused on this area, and has recently secured a seed round of $5.6 million, led by Point Nine. This brings their total amount raised to a whopping $10 million, following a pre-seed round from angel investors and industry experts.

BlueLayer provides a comprehensive software solution for carbon project developers, acting as their efficient backend system. Their platform serves as a single source of truth for inventory and orders, equipped with features such as report generation, data visualization, and decision-making tools, all aimed at maximizing revenue potential.

With an exclusive focus on project developers, BlueLayer caters to a diverse range of projects, including reforestation, forest conservation, and peatland restoration. What sets them apart from traditional carbon credit sales operations is their SaaS revenue model, rather than charging commissions.

“We’re not a broker, we’re not an intermediary. So we don’t take big commissions on sales and that’s because we need to be aligned with one side of the ecosystem, which is the developers,” co-founder and CEO Alexander Argyros clarified.

Currently, project developers struggle with managing existing projects and integrating with other stakeholders. BlueLayer offers solutions for these issues, as well as compatibility with legacy ERP systems, distribution channels, and rating agencies. In the future, they plan to tackle other challenges, such as pre-financing future projects with forward contracts and pre-allocating carbon credits.

While one may assume that BlueLayer’s target client pool is limited, the startup has already engaged in discussions with over 200 carbon project developers. Headquartered in Berlin, with teams in London and Athens, BlueLayer was co-founded by Alexander Argyros, previously involved in the PE investment platform Moonfare, climate investor Vivian Bertseka, and Gerardo Bonilla, former head of product at Moonfare.

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Ava Patel

Ava Patel is a cultural critic and commentator with a focus on literature and the arts. She is known for her thought-provoking essays and reviews, and has a talent for bringing new and diverse voices to the forefront of the cultural conversation.

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