Virtual Spotlight: Discover the Excitement of the AI World at Nvidia’s GTC 2024 Conference

Chip giant Nvidia is hosting a massive AI conference as part of its GTC event this week, which kicks off Monday. With a keynote planned from Jensen Huang, CEO and co-founder, of the company best known in year’s past for its gaming hardware and today for its massive market share in the burgeoning AI hardware market, expect Nvidia to make some news. Given how many AI startups and giants alike use Nvidia gear, TechCrunch is expecting quite a lot to shake loose over the next few days. To presage the confab, and detail just why we’re paying such close attention to a single company’s industry event, hit play below. Stick close to TechCrunch for coverage throughout the week.

Chip giant Nvidia is about to kick off its annual GTC event, and we are eagerly waiting to see what they have in store for us. This year’s conference is going to be filled with exciting highlights, including a keynote from the CEO and co-founder Jensen Huang.

Nvidia has come a long way, initially known for its gaming hardware and now dominating the AI market with its powerful hardware. You can expect some groundbreaking announcements from the company during the event.

But Nvidia is not the only one making an appearance at the conference. Numerous other AI companies are also participating and are expected to announce their own exciting news. As many startups and big players in the industry heavily rely on Nvidia’s technology, we are eagerly waiting to see what unfolds in the next few days.

To give you a taste of what’s to come, we have prepared a detailed preview. We will explain why this conference is worth your attention, and what we can expect from a single company’s event. Hit play and get ready for a week of innovation and groundbreaking developments. Stay tuned to TechCrunch to stay updated throughout the entire conference.

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Ava Patel

Ava Patel is a cultural critic and commentator with a focus on literature and the arts. She is known for her thought-provoking essays and reviews, and has a talent for bringing new and diverse voices to the forefront of the cultural conversation.

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