Telegram has recently stirred up controversy with the introduction of a new feature – offering users a free premium membership in exchange for their phone number being used as a relay for sending one-time SMS passwords to other users attempting to log into the app. While this may seem like a tempting offer, it has raised concerns about potential privacy risks and the exposure of personal information.
The feature was first spotted by the TGInfoEn Telegram channel and is currently being rolled out in select countries for Android users. Those who agree to participate in this peer-to-peer login program will receive a transferable code for Telegram Premium.
However, there are some terms and conditions users must consider before jumping on board. According to the terms of service, Telegram will only send a maximum of 150 OTP messages per month and users may also incur charges for local and international SMS usage. In fact, some may end up paying more through their phone bill than the actual value of a Telegram premium membership.
But the consequences of this feature go beyond just monetary concerns. There is a major issue of privacy as the use of phone numbers as a relay can make them easily accessible to strangers, leaving them vulnerable to spam and fraud. While Telegram does have the option for users to hide their phone numbers from strangers, participating in this program may make it easier for them to be found.
The terms and conditions of this peer-to-peer login system also state that Telegram will not be held liable for any damages or unforeseen consequences that may arise from a user’s participation. Essentially, users are giving the company full indemnity from any claims related to this program.
“You acknowledge and agree that Telegram shall bear no liability for any costs, expenses, damages, or any other adverse or otherwise unforeseen consequences that you may incur as a direct or indirect consequence of your present or past participation in the P2PL Program,” the terms and conditions read.
While Telegram does warn users not to engage with people who receive an OTP code from their number, there is no way for the company to enforce this. It ultimately puts the responsibility on the user to protect their privacy.
It’s been two years since Telegram launched its subscription service, offering features such as transcription, exclusive stickers, reactions, and other customizations. Recently, the app has introduced even more features for paid users, such as Stories. However, users need to carefully consider if giving out their phone number to strangers in order to save a few bucks is truly worth the potential risks and hassles.