74 Robotics Companies Seeking New Employees!

Robo Jobs
It’s tough out there — and yet, doing my semi-regular jobs post always gives me hope. Seems every time I post one of these, the number increases. At 74 companies, this is undoubtedly the largest list we’ve made, by a wide margin. That means more work for me in putting this post together, but if it helps a few folks find some work, it was definitely worth it. 1X Technologies (23 roles)Advanced Construction Robotics (4 roles)Aescape (5 roles)Aethon (5 roles)Agility Robotics (5 roles)Allvision (2 roles)Ambi Robotics (2 roles)ANYbotics (25 roles)Apptronik (16 roles)Astrobotic (23 roles)Atomic Machines (2 roles)Aurora (40 careers)Baubot (10 roles)Bear Robotics (13 roles)BHS Robotics (8 roles)Bloomfield Robotics (5 roles)Boxbot (3 roles)Carnegie Robotics (1 role)Cepheid (4 roles)Chef Robotics (15 roles)Civ Robotics (5 roles)Collaborative Robotics (10 roles)Covariant (20 roles)Dexterity (42 roles)Edge Case Research (1 role)Ekumen (3 roles)Enchanted Tools (50 roles)Engineered Arts (1 role)Exotec (174 roles)Eye-Bot (4 roles)Forcen (4 roles)Formant, Inc. (4 roles)Formic (8 roles)Formlogic (12 roles)Four Growers (4 roles)Foxglove (2 roles)Fulfil Solutions (15 roles)Gecko Robotics (18 roles)GrayMatter Robotics (11 roles)Hellbender (6 roles)Johnson & Johnson Med Tech (1 role)Keybotic (2 roles)Matic Robots (10 roles)Medra (3 roles)Mine Vision Systems (2 roles)Near Earth Autonomy (4 roles)Neocis (15 roles)Neubility (1 role)Neuraville (8 roles)Neya Systems (9 roles)Nimble Robotics (8 roles)Nuro (40 roles)Onward Robotics (2 roles)Plus.ai (3 roles)Polymath Robotics (2 roles)Pudu Robotics (2 roles)Pyka (10 roles)Reliable Robotics (36 roles)Roboto AI (1 role)Robust AI (14 roles)Sanctuary AI (14 roles)Sakar Robotics (6 roles)Scythe Robotics (11 roles)Seegrid (10 roles)Sphinx (5 roles)Stack AV (40 roles)Sunnybotics (2 roles)The AI Institute (19 roles)Titan Robotics (3 roles)UnitX (8 roles)Vecna Robotics (7 roles)Vention (20 roles)Viam (4 roles)Volley Automation (10 roles)

61 Robotics Companies with Available Job Opportunities

Robo Jobs
It’s extremely heartening to see our little list effectively double since the last time we did one of these. While it’s true that layoffs continue to plague the tech industry at large, there are few better fields to be expert in at the moment than Robotics and AI. With more than 60 entries this week, there are plenty of jobs and companies to choose from, across a broad range of different segments from mail sorting to surgery to space. To everyone who lost a job, recently graduated or is just looking for something new, here’s to finding your next big thing. ACK Robotics (10 roles)Advanced Construction Robotics (3 roles)Aescape (7 roles)Aigen (16 roles)Ambi Robotics (2 roles)ANYbotics (24 roles)Astrobotic (40 roles)Aurora (63 roles)Austrian Institute of Technology (1 role)Avidbots (12 roles)Baubot (12 roles)Bloomfield Robotics (5 roles)Bridge Appliances Inc (2 roles)Carnegie Robotics (3 roles)Chef Robotics (9 roles)Collaborative Robotics (8 roles)Covariant (14 roles)Crimson Tech (3 roles)Cyvl.ai (3 roles)Dexterity (39 roles)Edge Case Research (3 roles)Exotec (176 roles)Formic (7 roles)Formlogic (10 roles)Four Growers (4 roles)Foxglove (2 roles)Gather AI (5 roles)GrayMatter Robotics (8 roles)Hellbender (6 roles)Honeywell (10 roles)Identified Technology (5 roles)Kef Robotics (3 roles)Kewazo (2 roles)Matic Robotics (12 roles)Medra AI (2 roles)Mine Vision Systems (2 roles)Motional (19 roles)National Robotics Engineering Center (3 roles)Near Earth Autonomy (7 roles)Neya Systems (6 roles)Nimble Robotics (9 roles)Onward Robotics (3 roles)Point One Navigation (5 roles)Pudu Robotics (2 roles)Reframe Systems (3 roles)Roboto AI (1 role)Robust AI (12 roles)Sanctuary AI (12 roles)Scythe Robotics (7 roles)Seegrid (10 roles)ST Engineering Aethon (4 roles)Stack AV (40 roles)Standard Bots (8 roles)Stratom Inc (7 roles)Symbotic (95 roles)The AI Institute (18 roles)Titan Robotics (3 roles)Vayu Robotics (4 roles)Vecna Robotics (5 roles)Vention (19 roles)Volley Automation (6 roles)

Artificial Intelligence: Inscribe.ai Reduces Workforce by 40% Due to Fraud Detection Software Production

Ai Money Purple Blue
Yet another AI-powered fraud detection software provider is laying off staff. Inscribe, whose platform works to detect fraud in areas like business underwriting, tenant screening, and onboarding, has cut just under 40% of its staff, which equates to dozens of employees. San Francisco-based Inscribe.ai confirmed the headcount reduction to TechCrunch, noting that the AI advances in the financial services industry necessitated a pivot to a new product and direction for the company. “2023 was a year of change for our customers and Inscribe,” explained Inscribe CEO and co-founder, Ronan Burke. At the time, the company forecast it would double its then 50-person workforce over the coming 12 to 18 months.

“Mac is Celebrating 40 Years: A Tribute to Mr. Macintosh”

Apple Macintosh Image Credits Apicgetty Images 6
The Apple Macintosh was first released on January 24, 1984 — 40 years ago today. Wishing the Mac a happy birthday, the Folon Foundation shared a little-known anecdote: That Steve Jobs once commissioned Belgian artist Jean-Michel Folon to come up with an illustrated character that would “live” in every machine and surprise the owner: Mr. Macintosh, aka Mac Man. Mac designer Andy Hertzfeld recalled hearing the idea from Steve Jobs in 1982 in these words:“Mr. Macintosh is a mysterious little man who lives inside each Macintosh. My personal favorite: This original Mac Mac circuit board with Folon’s Mac Man emblazoned next to its copyright notice.

40 Years of Mac: A Salute to Mr. Macintosh

Apple Macintosh Image Credits Apicgetty Images 5
The Apple Macintosh was first released on January 24, 1984 — 40 years ago today. Wishing the Mac a happy birthday, the Folon Foundation shared a little-known anecdote: That Steve Jobs once commissioned Belgian artist Jean-Michel Folon to come up with an illustrated character that would “live” in every machine and surprise the owner: Mr. Macintosh, aka Mac Man. Mac designer Andy Hertzfeld recalled hearing the idea from Steve Jobs in 1982 in these words:“Mr. Macintosh is a mysterious little man who lives inside each Macintosh. My personal favorite: This original Mac Mac circuit board with Folon’s Mac Man emblazoned next to its copyright notice.

Celebrating 40 Years of the Mac: A Salute to Mr. Macintosh

Apple Macintosh Image Credits Apicgetty Images 4
The Apple Macintosh was first released on January 24, 1984 — 40 years ago today. Wishing the Mac a happy birthday, the Folon Foundation shared a little-known anecdote: That Steve Jobs once commissioned Belgian artist Jean-Michel Folon to come up with an illustrated character that would “live” in every machine and surprise the owner: Mr. Macintosh, aka Mac Man. Mac designer Andy Hertzfeld recalled hearing the idea from Steve Jobs in 1982 in these words:“Mr. Macintosh is a mysterious little man who lives inside each Macintosh. My personal favorite: This original Mac Mac circuit board with Folon’s Mac Man emblazoned next to its copyright notice.

“Hats Off to Mr. Macintosh on the 40th Anniversary of the Mac”

Apple Macintosh Image Credits Apicgetty Images 3
The Apple Macintosh was first released on January 24, 1984 — 40 years ago today. Wishing the Mac a happy birthday, the Folon Foundation shared a little-known anecdote: That Steve Jobs once commissioned Belgian artist Jean-Michel Folon to come up with an illustrated character that would “live” in every machine and surprise the owner: Mr. Macintosh, aka Mac Man. Mac designer Andy Hertzfeld recalled hearing the idea from Steve Jobs in 1982 in these words:“Mr. Macintosh is a mysterious little man who lives inside each Macintosh. My personal favorite: This original Mac Mac circuit board with Folon’s Mac Man emblazoned next to its copyright notice.

Celebrating 40 Years of Mac: A Salute to Mr. Macintosh

Apple Macintosh Image Credits Apicgetty Images 2
The Apple Macintosh was first released on January 24, 1984 — 40 years ago today. Wishing the Mac a happy birthday, the Folon Foundation shared a little-known anecdote: That Steve Jobs once commissioned Belgian artist Jean-Michel Folon to come up with an illustrated character that would “live” in every machine and surprise the owner: Mr. Macintosh, aka Mac Man. Mac designer Andy Hertzfeld recalled hearing the idea from Steve Jobs in 1982 in these words:“Mr. Macintosh is a mysterious little man who lives inside each Macintosh. My personal favorite: This original Mac Mac circuit board with Folon’s Mac Man emblazoned next to its copyright notice.

“40 Years of Mac: A Salute to the Iconic Mr. Macintosh”

Apple Macintosh Image Credits Apicgetty Images 1
The Apple Macintosh was first released on January 24, 1984 — 40 years ago today. Wishing the Mac a happy birthday, the Folon Foundation shared a little-known anecdote: That Steve Jobs once commissioned Belgian artist Jean-Michel Folon to come up with an illustrated character that would “live” in every machine and surprise the owner: Mr. Macintosh, aka Mac Man. Mac designer Andy Hertzfeld recalled hearing the idea from Steve Jobs in 1982 in these words:“Mr. Macintosh is a mysterious little man who lives inside each Macintosh. My personal favorite: This original Mac Mac circuit board with Folon’s Mac Man emblazoned next to its copyright notice.

Celebrating Mr. Macintosh: The 40th Anniversary of a Technological Icon

Apple Macintosh Image Credits Apicgetty Images
The Apple Macintosh was first released on January 24, 1984 — 40 years ago today. Wishing the Mac a happy birthday, the Folon Foundation shared a little-known anecdote: That Steve Jobs once commissioned Belgian artist Jean-Michel Folon to come up with an illustrated character that would “live” in every machine and surprise the owner: Mr. Macintosh, aka Mac Man. Mac designer Andy Hertzfeld recalled hearing the idea from Steve Jobs in 1982 in these words:“Mr. Macintosh is a mysterious little man who lives inside each Macintosh. My personal favorite: This original Mac Mac circuit board with Folon’s Mac Man emblazoned next to its copyright notice.