
“Firestorm: Fisker’s Explosive Entry into the Mobility Market and Tesla’s Pursuit of FSD Profit”

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Welcome back to TechCrunch Mobility — your central hub for news and insights on the future of transportation. Remember in the last edition of TechCrunch Mobility, when I wrote that the wheels were starting to come off the Fisker bus? Deal of the weekIt ain’t easy being an executive at an EV startup these days. Amid all of the EV startup bankruptcies and other bleak goings-on, there was a bit of positive news. It seems that Tesla is turning to FSD as another financial lever to pull as profits on automotive sales shrink.

“Revolutionary High-Speed Aircraft: Notion’s Cutting Edge Calendar App Takes Flight as CES Denies Sex Tech Entrance”

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Welcome, folks, to TechCrunch Week in Review (WiR), a digest of the past few days in tech happenings. As I write this, snow’s gracing New York City — an increasingly rare treat thanks to our changing climate. Notion launches a calendar app: Notion, the incredibly popular note-taking and project management service, has launched a stand-alone calendar service. AnalysisCES chases off sex tech: Despite being an industry that caters to a universal human experience, sex tech has always had an uneasy association with CES, Haje writes. And this year, the conference effectively managed to chase the sex tech industry off its show floors — for better or worse.