
“Unveiling the Mysteries of Consumer Demand Validation: A Conversation with Peter Gladstone, Harvard’s Startup Guru, at TechCrunch Early Stage”

Peter Gladstone Post
Validating consumer demand is a crucial step for any startup, and TechCrunch Early Stage is offering a golden opportunity to learn how to do it right. In this workshop, Gladstone will guide founders on how to leverage their expertise to understand and solve consumer problems effectively. With hands-on advice and practical strategies, attendees can expect to gain insights into testing solutions, refining product development processes, and ultimately validating consumer demand. With a BA from Brandeis University and an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, Gladstone’s expertise is grounded in both academic rigor and real-world experience. For founders eager to validate their ideas and drive meaningful consumer engagement, this workshop is a must-attend event at TechCrunch Early Stage.

to the blockchain Web3 Funding Company Borderless Capital Purchases CTF Capital, Combining AI and Quantitative Knowledge for Blockchain Industry

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Borderless Capital, an investment firm that specializes in web3, announced Tuesday that it is acquiring CTF Capital, a quantitative trading and asset management firm headquartered in Miami, with technology and operation teams in Latin America. With this acquisition, Borderless Capital will add AI-infused quant trading expertise to its own business. After combining with CTF Capital, Borderless will have over $500 million in assets under management (AUM). All the existing funds managed by CTF Capital will be merged into Borderless’s Multi-Strategy Fund V LP., launched last year with $100 million under management today. “Borderless already has significant exposure through several portfolio companies from this geography [Latin America].

Maximizing Efficiency and Rapid Scale-Up: The Crucial Role of Investors’ Operational Expertise for Startups

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Investors bring expertise from their prior careers as COOs, CFOs, or other operational roles. However, navigating conversations with investors in their areas of operational expertise isn’t always straightforward. I keep the following principles in mind to avoid these pitfalls and get the most out of investors’ operational knowledge and experience. What would happen if we broke down the percentage of our sales reps hitting 50%, 80%, or even 100% of their quota? Our numbers looked good on paper, but unless we could democratize sales success, our efforts wouldn’t scale.