
“Front Desk Alert: Ransomware Gang’s Latest Tactics for Extortion”

Phone Desk Office Ransomware
When a hacker called the company that his gang claimed to breach, he felt the same way that most of us feel when calling the front desk: frustrated. The recording also shows how ransomware gangs are always looking for different ways to intimidate the companies they hack. I’m just trying to help you,” the hacker responds, growing increasingly frustrated. “So is that Dragonforce.com?”The hacker then threatens Beth, saying they will start calling the company’s clients, employees and partners. “Excuse me?” the hacker responds.

“Apple’s Proposed DMA Compliance Plan Accused of Extortion and Deemed a Ludicrous Charade by Spotify”

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On Friday, the streaming music company issued its response to Apple’s new DMA rules, calling the new fees imposed on developers “extortion” and Apple’s compliance plan “a complete and total farce,” that demonstrated the tech giant believes that the rules don’t apply to them. It will also charge a 3% payment processing fee when developers use Apple’s in-app payments instead of their own. Apple’s App Store will maintain its power, Ek believes. Plus, because of the increased fees, Spotify doesn’t even have a choice, Ek explains — it’s forced to stick with the current system. “With our EU Apple install base in the 100 million range, this new tax on downloads and updates could skyrocket our customer acquisition costs, potentially increasing them tenfold.

“The Growing Menace of Extortion: How it’s Replacing Ransomware as the Top Cyber Threat”

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Why extortion is the new ransomware threat Ransomware actors are increasingly rebuffing encryption-based attacks in favor of plain extortion. While novel, this isn’t the only aggressive tactic used by ransomware and extortion gangs. What’s the difference between ransomware and extortion? The Ransomware Task Force describes ransomware as an “evolving form of cybercrime, through which criminals remotely compromise computer systems and demand a ransom in return for restoring and/or not exposing data.”In reality, ransomware attacks can fall on a spectrum of impact. This was demonstrated in the recent ransomware attack against Caesars Entertainment, which paid off the hackers in a bid to prevent the disclosure of stolen data.