
Hugging Face introduces a performance evaluation tool for evaluating health-related generative AI models

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As I wrote recently, generative AI models are increasingly being brought to healthcare settings — in some cases prematurely, perhaps. Hugging Face, the AI startup, proposes a solution in a newly released benchmark test called Open Medical-LLM. Hugging Face is positioning the benchmark as a “robust assessment” of healthcare-bound generative AI models. It’s telling that, of the 139 AI-related medical devices the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved to date, none use generative AI. But Open Medical-LLM — and no other benchmark for that matter — is a substitute for carefully thought-out real-world testing.

Modex Continues to Question Reliability of Humanoid Robots

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It’s not a flat-out refutation of the form factor, so much as an acknowledgement that — in spite of investor enthusiasm — it’s not the ideal tool for every job. This week’s Modex supply chain show inAtlanta told its own story — one populated by very few humanoids. A number of the players I spoke with continued to express skepticism around the widespread adoption of humanoid robots in the workplace. I heard very few outright rejections of the humanoid form factor. These instances, which now require human intervention, could be the ideal scenario for humanoids, whether operating autonomously or teleoperated, as in the case of Reflex, the other humanoid robotics firm present at Modex.

“EU Launches DSA Investigation on AliExpress, the Leading Online Marketplace”

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The European Union has opened its third formal investigation of a very large platform under the Digital Services Act (DSA), with China’s AliExpress earning itself the dubious honor of being the first online marketplace to face formal probe by the Commission. Social media platforms X and TikTok are the two other very large online platforms (VLOPs) already under formal DSA investigation (since December and February, respectively). They said it will also look into transparency and safety concerns related to influencers’ use of AliExpress. It said it will also investigate how the influencer affiliate program is implemented to verify whether it complies with DSA transparency rules. There’s no fixed timeline for the EU to conclude a DSA investigation.

The Lesser Creep Chronicles of Apple Vision Pro: Brian’s Alter Ego

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If anything, it was the VisionOS 1.1 update that showed me that I still have the capacity to grow. I can tell you agree from the fact that you’re carrying on a normal FaceTime call without stopping every few seconds to tell me how weird my Apple Vision Pro Persona looks. The headset made me re-enroll my face to get this new persona – and frankly, it’s for the best. I’m not saying my new face definitely won’t frighten children, but I don’t think they’re going to lose much sleep over it. I should mention that even in its 1.1 iteration, the Persona feature is still technically in beta – albeit a beta open to anyone with a Vision Pro.

“UNC System Implements Ban on Yik Yak, Fizz, Sidechat, and Whisper: The Latest Confrontation for Anonymous Social Platforms”

Anonymous Social Apps
Anonymous social apps tend to appeal to younger users and are often used for bad behavior like bullying, harassment, and online abuse. It seems every few years — and no matter how many times anonymous apps like these fail — someone, somewhere builds yet another anonymous social platform. Yik Yik, in fact, is on its second life. No matter how many times this trend is tried, standalone anonymous social apps aimed at consumers rarely lead to a sustainable business. Yik Yak, Sidechat, Whisper, and Fizz were asked for comment using public email addresses published on their websites and in their terms of service.

“Keep Informed on the Amount of Venture Funding for Unrepresented Entrepreneurs”

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Venture capital funding has never been robust for women or Black and brown founders. Read about funding for Black foundersFunding to Black founders has been on a steady decline since 2021, implying that investors have either lost interest or focus on backing Black founders. This is a big deal because after the murder of George Floyd, the venture and startup ecosystem made promises to better support Black founders. Since 2022, TechCrunch has been speaking with experts to find out what is needed to help boost funding to Black founders. To help gather data, last year, Crunchbase announced it would officially start tracking the amount of venture capital dollars allocated to LGBTQ+ founders.

“Efficiently Produce Code with the Powerful StarCoder 2: Utilizing GPUs for Optimal Performance”

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Like most other code generators, StarCoder 2 can suggest ways to complete unfinished lines of code as well as summarize and retrieve snippets of code when asked in natural language. Trained with 4x more data than the original StarCoder, StarCoder 2 delivers what Hugging Face, ServiceNow and Nvidia characterize as “significantly” improved performance at lower costs to operate. Setting all this aside for a moment, is StarCoder 2 really superior to the other code generators out there — free or paid? As with the original StarCoder, StarCoder 2’s training data is available for developers to fork, reproduce or audit as they please. Hugging Face, which offers model implementation consulting plans, is providing hosted versions of the StarCoder 2 models on its platform.

Bumble slashes hundreds of workers amid a dating app reckoning

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Bumble, a once-powerful force in online dating, is facing a reckoning. CEO Lidiane Jones announced that 37% of Bumble’s workforce, or about 350 employees, would be let go, and that Bumble would embark on an app overhaul targeted at reviving growth. And many of the capabilities introduced in Bumble’s apps in the past 18 months haven’t resonated with the user base, Jones said during the call. Jones, who joined from Slack in January, appointed four new C-suite executives at Bumble in the last week alone. Dating apps generally — including Match Group’s — have seen declining revenue from users reluctant to fork over cash for premium add-ons.

The Impact of Irene Solaiman: Leading Global AI Policy at Hugging Face

Women In Ai Solaiman
After serving as an AI policy manager at Zillow for nearly a year, she joined Hugging Face as the head of global policy. Her responsibilities there range from building and leading company AI policy globally to conducting socio-technical research. Solaiman also advises the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the professional association for electronics engineering, on AI issues, and is a recognized AI expert at the intergovernmental Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Irene Solaiman, head of global policy at Hugging FaceBriefly, how did you get your start in AI? The means by which we improve AI safety should be collectively examined as a field.

Users of iPhone Must Activate Apple’s Anti-Theft Protection Feature

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Another interesting new feature in iOS 17.3 is something called stolen device protection. Once again, the passcode can be used if Face ID fails — thieves can also register their own face in Face ID if they have the device passcode. Apple gives you an hour to remotely wipe your deviceAs a protection mechanism, Apple has introduced stolen device protection in iOS 17.3. When it’s turned on, some actions will require Face ID or Touch ID biometric authentication, such as accessing stored passwords and credit cards. In addition to requiring Face ID or Touch ID authentication, changing your Apple ID password, changing your passcode and turning off stolen device protection also require a security delay.