
“Unveiling Secrets to Product-Market Harmony: A TechCrunch Early Stage 2024 Presentation by Sequoia’s Jess Lee”

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How strongly a technology good or service resonates with potential customers is often called “product-market fit,” or PMF. Jess Lee is coming to TechCrunch Early Stage in Boston this year to help founders looking to reach, or refine, their current PMF guide their upstart tech companies in the right direction. Early Stage is shaping up to be possibly our best-ever shindig for early-stage founders, with NFX’s James Currier, Underscore’s Lily Lyman, and of course Lee herself coming ’round to talk shop. As with all Early Stage events, audience Q&A will be a critical component of every session, so bring your notebook, several pens, and I’ll see you on April 25! Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at TechCrunch Early Stage 2024?

Exxon’s Temper Flares as Shareholders Exercise Their Rights

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Top executives report to the CEO, the CEO answers to the board, and the board serves at the whim of the shareholders. On Sunday evening, the oil supermajor filed a lawsuit in federal court asking for permission to ignore a shareholder resolution at its next annual meeting. The new shareholder resolution calls on the oil company to reduce its Scope 3 emissions or those that result from the use of its products. Other shareholders tended to be deferential to management, letting them run their business as they saw fit. But as shareholder primacy took root in the public consciousness, more shareholders began to exercise their rights.

AI-Driven Assistance from Amazon for Finding Perfectly Fitted Clothes While Online Shopping

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After recently turning to generative AI to enhance its product reviews, e-commerce giant Amazon today shared how it’s now using AI technology to help customers shop for apparel online. With the personalized size recommendations, Amazon Fashion used AI to develop a deep learning algorithm that will help customers find their best-fitting size across a variety of styles. This system works by considering the size relationship between brands’ size systems, the product’s reviews, and the customer’s own fit preferences. With a Fit Insights Tool from Amazon Fashion, sellers are provided with an understanding of customer’s fit needs so they can improve how they communicate sizing to customers — e.g. Beyond the customer review highlights, Amazon also debuted generative AI tools to help sellers write their product descriptions and enhance their product images.

“Breaking the Mold: Unlocking Your Company’s Potential Through Three Simple Steps”

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The transition to multi-product can be a significant revenue generator when done successfully. During my first few years, the company saw rapid growth as customers continued to use our software in new and inventive ways. Drawing on my experience of graduating from the one-product mold, here are three steps to ensure your multi-product journey is successful. If the (product-market) shoe fitsWe all know that finding a product-market fit can be challenging, especially when you have limited resources and must move quickly to find and serve your target market. But there are a few signals that your initial offering has a wide product-market fit, and it would be easy for you to identify your second product: