
“Revolutionizing Home Energy Audits: How AI Can Aid Kelvin in His Quest to Save the Planet”

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When you’re looking for a startup idea that could slow climate change, you might become an expert at home energy assessments. Instead, the startup has put together a small team of engineers to create its own AI model specialized in home energy assessments using machine learning. The company uses open data, such as satellite images, as well as its own training data set with millions of photos and energy assessments. In the company’s first tests, its home energy assessments have been accurate within 5% of old-fashioned assessments. The startup has now raised €4.7 million ($5.1 million at today’s exchange rate) with Racine² leading the round and a non-dilutive investment from Bpifrance.

“Step Out of the Ordinary: Discover the $365 Aiden Coffee Machine from Fellow”

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The fancy drip coffee maker has a $365 price tag to match. The latest addition to its aficionado-forward lineup is the Aiden coffee machine, a sleek brewer taking a stab at transforming the at-home coffee experience. Even my parents, who have Fellow products laid out on their counter, still use a basic coffee maker. Aiden is designed for them.”The Aiden coffee maker promises precision and customization that rival professional setups, all from the comfort of one’s kitchen. Aiden Precision Coffee Maker is today available for presale for $365 on, and the company says it will ship in September.

“Breaking Barriers in AI: Emilia Gómez’s Musical Journey into the EU’s Influential Tech Sector”

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Gómez’s research is grounded in the computational music field, where she contributes to the understanding of the way humans describe music and the methods in which it’s modeled digitally. What I liked at the time from machine learning was its modelling capabilities and the shift from knowledge-driven to data-driven algorithm design — e.g. There’s also PHENICX, a large European Union (EU)-funded project I coordinated on the use of music; and AI to create enriched symphonic music experiences. What advice would you give to women seeking to enter the AI field? They should learn about the working principles and limitations of AI algorithms to be able to challenge them and use them in a responsible way.

Experience Racquet Sports Like Never Before with Volley’s Revolutionary AI-Enhanced Ball Machine

A new sports tech startup, Volley, aims to revolutionize the way racquet sports players (platform tennis, padel, and pickleball) train with its AI-enabled sports training machine. You can also digitally control the machine by tapping on your phone to select where you want the ball to land. As an avid platform tennis player, John came up with the idea for Volley when he decided to put a tennis ball machine up on painter sticks to mimic certain shots. “Volley is in a category on its own because the ball trainers of yesterday are no longer meeting the needs of players and pros. On the long-term roadmap, the company says it wants to start leasing trainers to individual players who have at-home courts.

“Stealthy Emergence: Ema, the Revolutionary ‘Universal AI Employee’, Secures $25M”

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A new startup called Ema out of San Francisco thinks it’s a lot more than just a passing fancy. “Our goal is to build a universal AI employee,” Surojit Chatterjee, the CEO and co-founder, said in an interview. Accel, Section 32 and Prosus Ventures are co-leading, and Wipro Ventures, Venture Highway, AME Cloud Ventures, Frontier Ventures, Maum Group and Firebolt Ventures also participating. He himself has some 40 patents to his name in areas like machine learning enterprise software and ad tech. Most recently, he was VP of engineering at Okta where he oversaw data, machine learning and devices; and prior to that he was also at Google, where he was engineering lead for data and machine learning where he focused on privacy and safety.

Efficient and Capable: How’s Radar Satellites Leverage Machine Learning for Maximum Impact

Total Coverage just released the results from its first two radar satellites, which, thanks to machine learning, turn out to be competitive with larger, more old-school forecasting tech on Earth and in orbit. Weather prediction is complex for a lot of reasons, but the interplay between high-powered but legacy hardware (like radar networks and older satellites) and modern software is a big one. Space is, of course, the obvious place to invest, but weather infrastructure is prohibitively big and heavy.’s plan is to create a new space-based radar infrastructure with a modern twist. “We are working on providing real time precipitation data anywhere in the world, which we believe is a game changer in the field of weather forecasting,” Chowla said.

Anomalo’s Data Quality Methodology Using Machine Learning is Booming

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When Anomalo’s co-founders left Instacart in 2018, they thought they could put machine learning to work to solve data quality problems inherent in large data sets. Five years later, the company’s idea is even more relevant as data quality takes center stage with large language models. Today, the startup announced a $33 million Series B, equaling their 2021 Series A and bringing the total raised to $72 million, according to the company. As companies store increasingly large amounts of data in cloud storage and data warehouses like Databricks and Snowflake, this need has only become more pronounced, he says. SignalFire led the $33 million Series B investment with participation from strategic investor Databricks Ventures.

“Exciting News: $2,400 CNC Mill Coming Soon from Coast Runner!”

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Coast Runner, is a new entrant in the desktop CNC milling industry, promising to make the technology accessible to everyone, from professionals to hobbyists. Coast Runner is breaking down the barriers of traditional CNC milling with a focus on power, compact size, and most importantly, education. Moreover, Coast Runner is developing a bounty board system where users can pay others to create designs or mill parts if they lack the necessary skills. The Coast Runner machine is aiming to be both affordable and powerful. “We are making one of the most powerful desktop CNC machines you’ll find in the marketplace.

“Cooking for Your Four-Legged Companion: Simplified with ChefPaw’s Healthy Recipes”

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ChefPaw is an machine designed to prepare homemade dog food. The appliance aims to provide an alternative to store-bought dog food, focusing on fresh ingredients tailored to individual pet dietary needs – and saving a ton of money along the way. It turns out that fresh-ingredient food for your four-legged furbaby is hella expensive, and ChefPaw wants to make it easier to make your own. ChefPaw operates by adding fresh ingredients into the machine, which then mixes and cooks the food at lower temperatures, a process taking approximately 40 minutes. The machine can roughly chop the food to take the shape of usual dog food, or blend it more smoothly for pets that have difficulties eating after surgery, for example.

A deeper exploration of the Rownd tabletop CNC lathe

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In an era where DIY culture and personal manufacturing are rising, Rownd Lathe is an exciting new player. This compact CNC lathe is a fun gateway to creativity, enabling users to effortlessly shape and form a variety of materials, including wood, aluminum, and plastic. For amateur machinists, entry-level CNC mills have been around for a hot minute (Bantam is the brand that immediately springs to mind), but CNC lathes have been conspicuously absent from the market. Ease of use is central to the Rownd Lathe experience. This touch interface also allows for manual machine control, or you can upload Gcode to run the machine like any other CNC lathe.