
“A16Z Offers Financial Aid to Politicians in Exchange for Tech Deregulation”

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The fact is that they are rich ideologues announcing their intent to pay any politician who will advance their agenda, whatever that politician’s other views. That tech is more important than people is fundamental to their approach. For instance, supporting politicians who oppose basic civil rights just because they have a more hands-off tech regulation proposal. In the first place, the idea that this one issue is non-partisan is risible. They can’t expect us to believe that their understanding of lobbying and politics is this naive.

Final FCC Denies $885M Starlink Subsidy Request

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The FCC explained that this first application was a high-level, short one, and that those qualifying for that would receive closer scrutiny. (In fact the FCC had considered not even letting orbital communications companies apply, but decided to allow them to compete on their merits.) This was in addition to “numerous financial and technical deficiencies” the agency identified in the proposal and the company’s operations. It even leaned on the promise of SpaceX’s super-heavy launch vehicle Starship as evidence for these claims. As the FCC points out, though:A the time of the Bureau’s decision, Starship had not yet been launched.