
“Addressing the Social Isolation Crisis: Buffet’s Efforts to Foster Meaningful Connections in the Physical World”

Buffet App
A new app called Buffet is aiming to address the loneliness epidemic by helping users meet new people by quickly matching them with a person and a place to meet up (Think Tinder + OpenTable). Buffet aims to help users meet likeminded individuals, whether they’re looking for a new friend, romantic partner or gym buddy. So we put one foot in front of the other and stared building Buffet.”To get started with Buffet, users enter five of their interests, such as motorcycles, horseback riding or reading. Buffet encourages people to go beyond a chatbox and digital communication and actually meet up in the real world. Hacking believes that if Buffet can win over the average 25-year-old female professional, it can win over anyone.

Achieving Success: The Key to Building Startups in Boston

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Just last year, Klaviyo went public, adding to the parade of startup success stories. But they all showed what’s possible for the many people who dream of building a successful business in the Boston area. When you put it all together, Lyman says, you get some of the primary building blocks for a successful startup ecosystem. And what Boston may lack in nightlife, it surely makes up for in brain power and long history of startup success. As Seseri says, success begets success.

CES Successfully Banishes Sex-Tech From Show Floors

The Handy Large
However, at this year’s event, there was a conspicuous void: the near-absence of sex tech. Despite being an industry that caters to a universal human experience, sex tech has always had an uneasy association with CES. In 2019, sex tech had its headline moment at CES when pleasure tech company Lora DiCarlo won an innovation award—only for it to be rescinded, and then reinstated after widespread backlash. This controversy highlighted the uneasy relationship between the mainstream tech industry and its more intimate cousin. Fast forward to 2024, and it seems CES has effectively managed to chase the sex tech industry off its show floors.